Friday, November 29, 2019

Static And Dynamic Characters In Great Expectation Essay Example For Students

Static And Dynamic Characters In Great Expectation Essay sStatic and Dynamic Characters in Great ExpectationsJoe is a very simple name. So, in relation to that, Joe in Great Expectations is a simple, good and moral character. Joe does not change at all in the book. He begins the book showing his good nature and generosity when, after supposedly being robbed by the convict, he was happy that the convict did not starve. And in the middle of the book, after all Pip had done to him after he became a gentleman, Joe was still loving and affectionate towards him when he became ill. Also, throughout the book, Joe was proud to be who he was. He never wanted any property or money. We will write a custom essay on Static And Dynamic Characters In Great Expectation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Even when Mr. Jaggers offered him money because he would not have Pip as his apprentice anymore, he did not accept it. In contrast, Estella is a very dynamic character; she goes from being a girl with a heart of ice to a sensitive woman, although the change in her takes place late in the book. At the start of the book Estella is very mean and insulting to Pip. This is not her own nature, and that is why it is possible for her to change into a better person. Estella was brought up by Miss Havisham to crush the hearts of all men, so that is what she does to Pip. Since Miss Havisham is the only family Estella has ever known, she is bound to her. Since she is bound to Miss Havisham, she is obligated to serve as her tool of vengeance. But, when Miss Havisham dies, that bond is gone and more of Estellas true nature can come out. Since Estella is, at heart, a well-meaning person, she does soften up. This occurs after she has experienced hard times as Bentley Drummles wife, wich forces her to convert, and her cruel personality is finally destroyed by her true nature. At the end of the book Pip realizes that she has changed and thinks: . ..what I had never seen before, was the saddened softened light of the once proud eyes; what I had never felt before, was the friendly touch of the once insensible hand. (Chapter 59). English Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Science Of Music Example

The Science Of Music Example The Science Of Music – Term Paper Example The Science of Music The Primal Moves presents a collaboration of diversely significant ical compositions of famous musicians and composers depicting the role of music in expressing various emotions (anger, sorrow, happiness and wonder). It aimed to discover the role of primal moves (roles, ritual and recreation) in providing the needed inspiration to design and create â€Å"multidimensional sound world†. The emotional roots provided listeners with the opportunity to enjoy and reflect on the music that matches a particular emotion. The choices composed by composers such as Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov, Adams, Strauss, Ravel, and Brahms, among others were distinctly exemplary and fitted to the colors and emotions. Michael Thomas, the musical director of the San Francisco Symphony emphasized classical music’s ability to interpret and manifest all facets of life through its musical expression.It uses primal moves as the framework and basis for all its creations and compositions weaving together the raw emotions and pure expression of feelings of joy, anger, hope, fear, and a lot more. The experience of matching a painting and a musical composition to come up with a slideshow presentation is most enlivening and challenging as one would like to give appropriate justification to these works of art. The use of music, after all, is to assist in building emotions, tensions and suspense. Music also provides a multitude of facets in one’s live which people can relate to and experience on a personal level. The ability of music to satisfy and pacify an individual’s mood makes it an indispensable part of each person’s life.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Protein Misfolding Amyloid Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Protein Misfolding Amyloid - Lab Report Example Fig 3. Fluorescence intensities of a) Tyrosine b) Tryptophan and c) Thioflavin T in Con A , at 40 0C a) b) c) Fig 3 b also shows considerable Trp fluorescence at pH 5.0 and 7.0 while at pH 9.0, intensity remained insignificant again showing buried/ quenched Trp residues. After a lag of 40 h the ThT intensity increased sharply to high level at pH 5.0. At pH 7.0, the plateau was attained after slight increase up to 20 h. At pH 9.0 the intensity increased at 70 h. Amyloid A40 Assay: Fig 4. Fluorescence of a) Tyrosine and b) Thioflavin T in A40 at 250 C Fig 4 a) The ThioflavinT bound to A increases at 40 h decreases thereafter and increases indicating conformational changes. Fig 4 b) Fig 4. shows Tyr intensity decreasing after 60h and so is the Th T intensity however the latter increases thereafter showing increased amyloidal fibril formation but at this time the Tyr seems to be quenched somewhat. Fig 5. TE Micrographs of Con A in pH 5.0 at 0 h Fig 5 a) X10K some amorphous aggregates are already present at this pH Fig 6. TEM showing Con A in pH 5.0 at a) 4 (X40K) and, b) 48h (X40K) c) 48 h at pH 7.0 (X15K and d) 48h at pH 9.0 at 25 0C Fig 6 a) only amorphous aggregates are present Fig 6 b) Fibril formation is clearly visible. Fig 6 c) 48h at pH 7.0 (X15K) Fig 6 d) 48 h at pH 9.0 (X10K) as expected the long amyloid fibrils are in state of formation Fig 7. Con A at 37.2 0C and pH 5.0 after 24h The physiological temperature and low pH shows abundant short rods Fig 8. A40 at 25 0 C a) 0, and b) 3h. (X20K) neither shows fibrils despite positive ThT fluorescence. Fig 7 shows AB40 as small...But at pH 9.0 the intensity decreased sharply from beginning up to 70h and then attained a plateau. The decrease of 400u indicated huge conformational change leading to buried and /or quenched Trp residues. Th T fluorescence decreased slightly up to 50 hrs and increased sharply thereafter reaching at peak at 80 hrs and then decreasing considerably. At pH 7 the intensity increased from beginning, reaching a max at 50h and decreasing sharply, thereafter. The Th T fluorescence shows reversible trend in these experiments and conformational changes are occurring fast. At pH 9.0, there was considerable increase in fluorescence intensity after 75h showing fibrillation (fig 1 c). Highest intensity was observed at pH 5.0 while considerably high Intensity at pH 7.0. However at pH 9.0 there was negligible intensity for tyrosine. The latter temperature and pH combination either create conditions for Tyrosine quenching or the aggregates deeply bury this amino acid as a result of conformational changes (Fig 3a). Fig 4. shows Tyr intensity decreasing after 60h and so is the Th T intensity however the latter increases thereafter showing increased amyloidal fibril formation but at this time the Tyr seems to be quenched somewhat. Only large amorphous structures seen after 72 h while a solitary long fibril is seen in the upper region after 96h (Fig 8 b).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How the West was won Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How the West was won - Essay Example Bradford asserted the contrary: the American Indians were â€Å"a group subjected to genocide in the process of creation and expansion of the United States† (515). Further, the â€Å"American Indian genocide assumed varied forms: aggressive war, murder, land theft, ethnocide, and forced sterilization† (Bradford 518). Before Columbus, Indians in the United States were about â€Å"five million to ninety-four million, yet by 1880 disease, slaughter, slavery, and aggressive wars had reduced their number to three hundred thousand---and declining† (Bradford 519, citing the work of Sterba). Bradford pointed out that â€Å"in the aftermath of the Civil War, the might of the U.S. Army was directed toward Indian eradication, and one by one the tribes were pursued, cornered and murdered† (Bradford 519). The United States â€Å"acquired most Indian land prior to 1865 by fraudulent treaty negotiations and by legal perversions in its own courts† (Bradford 520). T he United States â€Å"employed murder and threats to acquire one-fourth of the land within its modern contiguous boundaries for distribution to non-Indian settlers† (Bradford 520). ... In homesteading, government provides â€Å"an incentive to rush† into one area (Allen 5). Through homesteading, â€Å"the sudden arrival of tens of thousands of people into a given territory destroyed much of the Indian way of life and forced the Indian tribes to accept reservation life or to join the union† (Allen 5). Based on the work of L. H. Legters, in addition to direct genocide, there has been â€Å"cultural genocide† which â€Å"cover actions that are threatening to the integrity and continuing viability of peoples and social groups† (Yellow Horse Brave Heart & DeBruyn 61-62). Quoting the work of Legters, Yellow Horse Brave Heart and DeBruyn emphasized that the West was won from the Native Americans or American Indians through cultural and real genocide that sought to erase a people’s identity and outright murder of native populations (62). Citing the work of several authors, Yellow Horse Brave Heart and DeBruyn pointed out that â€Å"when lands were found to be valuable to the government and Whites, more often than not, ways were found to take them and resettle Natives elsewhere† (63). Yellow Horse Brave Heart and DeBruyn revealed that â€Å"established in 1824, the Office of Indian Affairs, later the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), was part of the War Department and responsible for regulating tribes† (63). Further, â€Å"the BIA assumed the function of providing education for American Indians under its ‘Civilization Division’† (Yellow Horse Brave Heart and DeBruyn 63). According to Yellow Horse Brave Heart and DeBruyn, federally-operated boarding schools and forced assimilations were considered solutions to the â€Å"Indian problem† (63). Yellow Horse Brave Heart and DeBruyn stressed that â€Å"mission schools established as early as the late 1700s

Monday, November 18, 2019

Marketing Communications on The Smartphone Market Essay - 1

Marketing Communications on The Smartphone Market - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that integrated marketing communications refer to systems used to plan communications in such a way as to benefit a business by disseminating its marketing campaigns more effectively and thereby lessening its marketing expenses. By integrating marketing structures such as social media avenues, advertising, telemarketing, and direct sales, one can bring more consistency and clarity into the message that is aimed at consumers. Mobile phone companies are constantly seeking an edge in the hyper-competitive mobile phone market by either increasing access speeds or introducing ever more robust application systems into their products. Naturally, these changes inspire marketing executives of mobile phone companies to come up with tactical and strategic marketing plans that allow them to be able to engage potential consumers through the different mobile platforms that are created. Google Inc. created an operating system, Android, that immediately ga ve it an edge in the Smartphone market. Its marketing scheme has played a great role in sustaining its competitiveness. Product- Google Inc. uses different marketing concepts to market the Android-iOS in different regions of the world. Since Google launched the first Android system in 2008, the product has remained in high public demand due to the regular addition of aspects such as features and apps (applications) which are frequently updated and enable customers to use them. For instance, customers with a preference for touch screens or ‘qwerty’ screens can use Android as it has both applications. In addition, customers who wish for widescreen displays can also use the android system. Price - In regards to price, Google’s customers are able to change their budgets to suit customized android systems with their preferred features. The vast majority of android retailers sell the system for less than 100$ with all its features and benefits included. This is far che aper than what the systems created by Apple and Nokia retail for. Promotion - The android is a well-known and highly esteemed brand. These characteristics differentiate it from other competitors. Furthermore, Google has invested in promotional campaigns that include using the print media, television advertising, and the internet to reach mobile phone users.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Control of Female Sexuality

The Control of Female Sexuality The sexual revolution opened the way for greater expression and practise of female sexuality, at least in Western cultures. However, society has historically and still does exert control over female sexuality. This control, in fact, underlies mens general control of women in society. Such control is accomplished through gender definition and social pressure, and economic and political oppression. First, women are conditioned to certain, often oppressive, gender roles by hegemonically male society. Connell (1995) first introduced the term ‘hegemonic masculinity’ as a description of the most valued definition of manhood in a given society. He held that whilst in any society there are many possible types of masculinity, only a few will be the most valued or ideal (Connell, 1995). Society then provides power and benefit to males fitting in this hegemonic definition, establishing their dominance in relation to what is considered feminine and in relation to other, less ideal masculinities. As such, hegemonic masculinity becomes justification for both the hegemonically masculine man’s domination of women and over other men (Cohn and Weber, 1999). For example, Butler (1990) found that most women are trained from early childhood that caring for a home and family are appropriate womens activities. She describes how little girls are given dolls and encouraged to nurture, versus little boys who are given blocks and encouraged to build things. Certain behaviours are also considered acceptable for girls but not boys, and vice versa. Girls are allowed to cry and be more emotionally expressive in their gender roles. Boys are allowed to be more aggressive and assertive (Butler, 1990). In terms of female sexuality, girls are often taught to be little ladies, who do not spread their legs whilst wearing a dress or express their sexuality. Female sexuality is presented as something to be guarded, and young women are encouraged to be good girls. Such gender roles are reinforced by various authority figures, such as teachers and parents. Barnes (2003) finds social workers, for example, will often assume a â€Å"disciplinary gaze† to c ommunicate their understandings of appropriate behaviour for women, typically reinforcing traditional gender roles (149). Gender roles tend to be more strongly reinforced and womens sexuality typically more constrained when opportunities for women outside the home expand. For example, during World War II, when many women occupied jobs traditionally held by men, there is strong reference in the media regarding chaste women as patriotic (Hegarty, 1998). Promiscious female sexuality became a prime target during wartime (Hegarty 1998, 115). Acceptable male behaviour of the same period, however, included drinking, gambling, fighting, and picking up women (Hegarty, 1998, 121). Hegarty (1998) describes in society how the virtuous wife / mother and virginial daughter, devoted to domestic pursuits in their place the home is often presented as a symbolic measure of social stability (113). Sexually open women, in contrast, are considered deviant and refered to by negative language such as slut, whore, and prostitute. There are few negative words in the English language that refer to a sexually open man. Male virgins are often a subject of ridicule in movies and television, whilst promiscious women have historically been portrayed in the media and in culture as destructive to individuals and society, and as spreaders of venereal disease (Hegarty, 1998). These gender roles, embedded in Western society and reinforced through family, authority figures, and the media, create social pressures that exert control over womens sexual activity. Whilst there has certainly been a relaxation of attitudes towards sex in recent decades, women are still expected to exert more restraint and control than men regarding their sexuality and sexual practices, and are more likely to be judged or condemned for sexual openness. Economic and political oppression is another way that female sexuality is controlled. In some cultures and countries, this is through political legislation or religious rules. For example, women in many Arab countries, such as Saudia Arabia, are not legally allowed to vote, drive cars, or own property (Berk, 1985). Religious restrictions in some Muslim countries even prevent women from wearing anything but a very loose garment or from uncovering their heads in public, lest they entice a man. This strongly portrays such reaction from men to womens appearance as the womans fault. Such practice occurs in Western society to a lesser extent, although not regluated by legislation. Victims of rape, for example, are often portrayed as enticingly dressed or loose in their sexual expressions as justification for such crimes (Butler, 1990). A number of countries with strong religious foundations for their governments also directly legislate birth control and abortions, thereby exerting political control over female sexuality. Many countries with Muslim or Catholic foundations to their government restrict the use of birth control and do not allow abortions for any reason (Butler, 1990). As such, these governments control female sexuality, as women must then be concerned regarding unwanted pregnancy, often curtailing their sexual activity. Men obviously do not face such issues, and are therefore less curtailed by such laws (Butler, 1990). Economically, unequal vocational opportunities and a social responsibility for housework place many women in a dependent state on the men in their lives. A woman with small children and little work experience, for example, is in a much more difficult economic condition to leave her husband or make decisions contrary to his wishes (Berk, 1985). Baxter (2001), in review of multiple studies on gender and housework , concludes â€Å"women do a much larger proportion of child care and routine indoor housework tasks than men, regardless of marital status,† educational attainment, or vocational duties (19). Such duties leave them in an economically dependent state, where their sexual wishes are often subverted to accomodate the men on whom they depend (Oakley, 1974). Acceptable expression of sexuality, therefore, becomes one that is either controlled by or designed to serve men (Butler, 1990). For example, pictures of attractive women provacatively dressed in popular magazines serve as both a reinforcement to women that their attractiveness to men is of prime importance, and provide men with stimulating pictures. Hawkesworth (1997) contends that many men would be happy to look at such pictures, but not for their wives or daughters to dress or portray themselves as such in public. As such, women are constrained to dress or behave a certain way at the bidding of men, not as a direct expression of their own wants or desires (Hawkesworth, 1997) Such social pressure, political and economic oppression allow not only control of womens sexuality, but of a more general control of women by men in society. As social systems were typically designed by men and with their best interests in mind (such as the wife staying home to serve her husband, whilst he participates in career and other interests and even equally employed women retaining responsiblity for many hours of unpaid household labour each week), the control of women and keeping of them in their place becomes a need in regard to stability (Oakely, 1974, Hegarty, 1998). Expressions of women that conflict with such traditional power relationships, including that of female sexuality, therefore threaten both the fabric of society and the power position of men within it. REFERENCES Barnes, A. 2003. Social Work, Young Women, and Femininity. Affilia, Vol. 18, No. 2, Summer 2003, pp. 148-164. Baxter, J. 2001. Marital status and the division of household labour. Family Matters, Vol. 58, Autumn 2001, pp. 16-21. Berk, S. F. 1985. The Gender Factory. Plenum: New York. Butler, J. 1990. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge: London. Cohn, C., Weber, C. 1999. Missions, Men and Masculinities. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 1999, pp. 460-475. Connell, R. 1995. Masculinities. Polity Press: Cambridge. Hawkesworth, M. 1997. Confounding Gender. Signs, Vol. 22, No. 3, Spring 1997, pp. 649-685. Hegarty, M. 1998. Patriot or prostitute? Sexual discourses, print media, and American women during World War II. Journal of Womens History, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer 1998, pp. 112-36. Oakley, A. 1974. Housewife. Pantheon: London.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Scholarship Essay: Im Fascinated by the Universe :: College Admissions Essays

"Did life exist on Mars?" "What would it take to build a spaceship that could travel at the speed of light?" "When will the moon be colonized?" These are just some of the questions that wander through my mind all day. Fascinated by the secrets of the universe, I yearn to uncover mysteries. In order to blast open all the closed gates between knowledge and myself, I need the powerful tools of education. After I graduate from high school, I plan to attend a college or university that has strong mathematics and science departments. Even now, I am actively preparing to enter the realm of science, taking college-level math and physics classes through the Running Start program. Upon receiving a college degree, my life-long dream is to engage in scientific research for NASA. Unfortunately, most colleges notable for their academic standards are also renowned for costly tuition. My family consists of one working parent and two children who wish to attend college.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cross Cultural Group Presentation Essay

What is important about Germany? Germany is an industry leader in areas such as automobiles and healthcare, to name a few. With globalization and reducing trade boundaries Germany has in fact become a trade partner for many Indian firms. Thus understanding business etiquettes, culture and protocol will supplement international businessmen and enhance cross cultural negotiation. The Rational German: Based on research findings, Germany’s geographical location and history have had a substantial effect on its culture and thus on the way that Germans negotiate. Some historical events helps us understand more about Germany, its people and the effects on negotiations: Pre-Unification Era: Before Charles V formed Prussia, Germany was largely comprised of small princely states (similar to India) in conflict with each other over resources. This brought upon the Germans a constant state of uncertainty and continuous battle. This however also made the Germans tough and seasoned negotiators. Unification & Prussia: This era was also responsible to developing many traits of the German culture which are insightful for deriving value out of a negotiation. With the formation of Prussia came – economic stability, growth and social structure. Germans preferred the certainty of an economically stable state and developed a keen sense of hierarchy. As the German state began to develop – so did the socio-political structure. Germans thus over the years formed very bureaucratic agencies of governance through methodical planning and reason. World Wars: Both the world wars left Germany crippled. However, Hitler’s action made certain that Germany would have to heavily rely on diplomatic relations before considering the use military force. It also made Germans develop a sense of fairness when dealing with people from other cultural backgrounds. Points to Ponder: Now that we understand where German people come from, we think it’s essential to shed some light on the salient features of the culture and how they impact a negotiation: Business Relationship: Germans traditionally believe in building trust over a period of time. This is usually an outcome of dependability, analytical thinking and intellect. Germans, unlike Indians, enter negotiations with a sense of trust. This is important from an Indian point of view as ability to generate and maximize value from a negotiation takes place over a long period of time. Interestingly enough trying to establish rapport in a hurried manner may arouse suspicion from a German counterpart. Trust one built, goes a long way in a business relationship, as Germans tend to be wary of uncertainty. Hence it is important to think strategically in long term and develop a mutually beneficial relationship from the start. One of the easiest ways to establish credibility with a German during a negotiation is to rely on a third party who has already established a level of trust and dependence on the German side. Displaying authority on the subject matter at hand, by professional qualifications will let the negotiating party earn respect in the eyes of their German counterparts, thus providing an upper hand will negotiating. Even though Germans are reserved and formal in nature, it’s possible to build long lasting relationships with them. A sure indicator of a relationship in the making is when a German decides to tell you embarrassing stories about himself. However it’s best not to repeat the stories to others as Germans tend to very proud people and can get hurt very easily. They also might expect you to be equally candid once the relationship has been built. During negotiations Germans tend to give more air time to the person who they think is technically sound in that matter. Hence it’s often a great idea to have your degrees printed out on the visiting card in order to establish a sense of authority when negotiating with them. Also Germans have a grounded belief that the workers in their country are better than the most the world and its best not to challenge this assumption. Business Communication: Although German is the official language of the country most of the business people speak British English. Most of the younger generation is well travelled and is fluent in business conversation. It is advisable to talk in short, complete sentences and in a slow firm voice to keep any negotiation without bringing in confusion. Germans tend to very direct in their communications and sometimes this can be misunderstood as being rude. Being very direct Germans dislike vague statements and diplomacy during any formal business discussions including negotiations. In fact too much diplomacy is likely to confuse a German. They will ask explanations, but is it possible that a German will walk out of a negotiation if the deal is unacceptable and/ or against company policy. It is also possible that a blunt â€Å"NO† can come your way, without substantial explanations. Germans tend to use body language very sparingly. Excessive use of body language may confuse your German counterpart. This can be an obstacle, especially during group negotiations as it will be difficult to judge the direction of the negotiation. Facial expression although limited can act as an indicator to judge if the proposal you have put forth has been liked or disliked. Maintaining eye contact is very crucial when talking to any German and is considered as a sign of trust and sincerity. This eye contact can border on staring. The American OK sign, with thumb and index finger forming a circle, is an obscene gesture in Germany, as is putting the thumb between index and middle finger in a fist. These should be strictly avoided. Initial Meeting Following are some of the points which should be noted when starting a negotiation: * â€Å"Shall we start with business† – will be used often as a conversation starter and is not considered rude in the German context. * Meetings need to be scheduled at least a week in advance and should not be cancelled at a short notice * There has to be reasonable explanation given when arriving late for a meeting and this is taken very negatively. * Planning is crucial when negotiating with Germans as it is very probable that they will be well prepared in any negotiation. Negotiating with Germans Style and Attitude of Negotiating: Unlike Indians, Germans believe in arriving at a win-win proposition. They tend to start negotiating respecting the other party and with a sense of trust, which they expect to be reciprocated. Interestingly, except for dispute resolution, any form a negotiation for a German is a joint problem solving activity rather and they expect both the parties to be involved equally in arriving at the solution. Many a times, a German would concentrate on dwelling over the technical aspects of a solution before entering the negotiation. Although co-operative in nature Germans may be unwilling to compromise completely unless this is their only option. While negotiating it is advisable to avoid open confrontation but remain calm, friendly and persistent. In case of a dispute resolution, one might try to find common ground by providing logical arguments based on data. Since many German negotiators will be thorough in their planning and data collection before the negotiation, it is sensible to have the same level of preparedness when you’re the opposite party. Many a times, during the negotiation a German might want to have additional data about certain aspects of the negotiation, which will help them analyze the solution better. Refusing to provide that data may reflect as lack of trust. Germans would prefer if data sharing was open and transparent and would not hesitate to reciprocate in the same manner. Germans are slow negotiators. The meticulous planning and data collection done before hand results in a very rigid and structured negotiation approach. Thus Germans would prefer going into sequential negotiating – debating each singular point, rather than packaging certain issues. This compartmentalized approach can be detrimental towards value maximization. Hence Germans find it difficult to negotiate with people from the south asia and middle east. At such times it is advisable to clearly state which objectives are linked and interdependent. Bargaining Traditionally Germans do not like the idea of bargaining and consider negotiation as a necessary evil. Business people do not give drastic concessions in this country so when if the bargaining stage in the negotiation is long drawn the variance in the final price would be not very far away from the original price. Even though German people may not agree, they tend to be aggressive during negotiations. These outcomes are more likely to be based on negotiation strategy developed during planning the negotiation. Threats, warnings and walkouts may be occasionally used. In this case it’s better to open with an offer which is already a part of your estimated ZOPA. Extreme offers can upset a German. Germans many a times employ defensive tactics such as blocking, asking probing or direct questions, or keeping a rigid position. Opening with written offers and introducing written terms and conditions may be effective as this will allow for proper preparation and could help shorten the b argaining process. Germans will likely find both benefits desirable. Corruption and bribery are very rare in Germany. It is strongly advisable to stay away from giving gifts of significant value or making offers that could be read as bribery. With Germans one must be careful when using pressure tactics such as applying time pressure, making expiring offers, or nibbling. Germans may consider these inappropriate unless they are strongly interested in your offer and clearly understand the logic behind the approach. Otherwise, while the negotiation is not necessarily over, it may become less constructive. Decision Making Germans tend to respect hierarchy because it helps maintain an element of control, not because they believe that bosses are better managers. So more than often when a German states that a decision during a negotiation is not within his authority, it would help to provide him with more data and information to get the approval from his immediate superiors. Decision making is a well planned and executed process in Germany and hence takes substantial amount of time. Patience is required to see the decision through and once made is very unlikely to change. Agreements and Contracts Both agreements and contracts in Germany tend to be legally binding unless stated otherwise. It is always advisable to consult a legal advisor before signing any contract to understand its process. These contracts (once signed) are usually dependable and considered binding. Once signed any amendment to the agreement or contract can be meet with serious opposition. Surprisingly German love for punctuality is often not extended towards contract drafting – as they would prefer to have everything in writing. References: * *

Saturday, November 9, 2019

But its not Funny Essay Example

But its not Funny Essay Example But its not Funny Essay But its not Funny Essay Ai-ai Delas Alas, Pokwang, John Lapus, Pooh, Chokoleit, Ate Gay and many of the like, children in school, officemates and even professionals like doctors and lawyers use transgressive Jokes. People who look different from others by skin color, size, height and other deformities are vulnerable subjects of laughter. These Jokes affect peoples emotions, thus degrading their sense of self-worth and self-esteem and diminishing their self-confidence. However, despite the possible effects of continuous use of transgressive Jokes, many people, private or public still accept this kind of Jokes. Vice Gandas concert, I-Vice Ganda Moko sa Araneta last May 17, 2013 had a full- house in Smart Araneta Coliseum which had around 16, 500 seating capacity -a proof that people enjoy hearing this kind of Jokes -transgressive and obscene. One possible reason is that these transgressive insults are dressed as Jokes. Thus, the obvious effect involved in laughing at someone or something has been brought IoW or degraded (Purdie, 59). Ngipin palang dehado na! is what Vice Ganda exclaimed while holding on to a mans Jaw showing his deformed teeth to the screen (Gandang Gabi Vice). Afterwards, he hugged him and said, Joke lang kuya. Its an example of an insult dressed as a joke. In instances like these, people expect the subjects to not take it seriously because implicit transgression has been transmitted (Purdie, 13) from the comedian to the audience. Another thing is because Jokes are not held within the bounds of the law (Purdie, joke, it is no longer under the control of the law which is also one reason why bullies re never comprehended. Because of Jokes being not bounded by the law, comedians [use Jokes] to discharge sexual aggressive and other forbidden thoughts and fantasies without worrying about being punished (Strean xii). When Vice Ganda stated his Joke regarding gang rape about Jessica Soho, he knew the subject may or may not react to it but he still pursued the Joke. There is a probability that it is because he knew that it will be accepted by the people and that law wouldnt intervene. Many Filipinos think that to laugh is a must because of the saying, laughter is the best medicine. That is also why Jokes, though transgressive, are widely accepted by the Filipino public. People consider these Jokes opportunities to play, to regress, to depart from the demands of reality and to enjoy the child in ourselves and in others (Strean, 3). But what makes it funny? Delivery is a factor of every Jokes humor. Many comedians do not present the same joke all over again to the public. No one would watch GandangGabi Vice every Sunday if the same set of Jokes is to be expected from Vice Ganda. Many stand-up comedians as well, prepare a new set of Jokes every presentation and if ever a Joke would be epeated, there is quite a long interval in between. This contributes to the surprise factor of Jokes. It isnt a Joke without surprise (Strean 26). O! Instant sandok na Oh! Vice Ganda said referring to the man with a very long face (Its Showtime). Notice that the Joke mentioned above is Just a five- word Joke but it was able to gain so much laughter from the audience. Length is also a factor in creating good and funny Jokes. The longer the Joke, the longer time it is to process it increasing the risk of not being funny. Therefore, the shorter the Joke, the better. The effective use of metaphors -a comparison between two unrelated things- in Jokes is also a m ajor factor. Masarap talaga ang saging! Basta malaki , This sexual Joke is an example of a metaphoric comparison. Many comedians have a very creative way of using metaphors to transmit the humor to the audience. An effective use of this will make it easier for the audience to capture the thought of any joke. After all, it is all in the matter of skill of delivery (Purdie, 36). Despite the non-stop use of transgressive Jokes by comedians of different kinds, the Filipino eople still accept and enjoy their Jokes. Francisco, Butch. Remembering Dead Stars. Philippine Headline News Online. 1 November 2003. Web. 13 October 2013. . Purdie, Susan. Comedy : The mastery of Discourse / Susan Purdie. n. p: New York ; London : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. , 1993. print. Sorell, Walter. Facets Of Comedy / By Walter Sorell. n. p: New York : Grosset Dunlap , [1972], 1972. Print. Strean, Herbert S. Jokes :Their Purpose And Meaning / Herbert S. Strean. n. p. : Northvale, NJ. : J, Aronson , C1993, 1993. pnnt

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A New Nation essays

A New Nation essays Starting things off, Lipset seems to be a very articulate man. His views on this beautiful country are exactly down to earth. Lipset began talking about how this country is the best in some areas but how we lack our supremacy in other areas. For instance I will express crime rate and military power. In Lipsets passage he stated that the crime rate in the United States is well above all other nations, but the American military is the strongest in the world. That is not a contradiction but only a mere example. Now with being the strongest military power in the world many smaller and third world countries tend to look up to us. That statement is easily represented by the fact that we are a city on a hill. This nation might be on top is some aspects of the game but there is a few things that weigh us down. We won both world wars, set peace in the Middle East, and maintained our economic prowess. But are our greatest years starting to fall behind us? According to Lipset we are starting to distrust our leaders and have slim confidence in our institutions. That does not mean that everything is going south but what it really means is that we need to get in gear and do something about these situations. Not only are the Americans aware of this but so are other nations in the world. Japan knows our educational average is below standard. Germany knows that our some of our citizens hate our democracy. So once again the eyes of many are upon this huge city on top of a steep hill. Lipset then proceeded to talk about how a lot of our fine nations essays were written under the direction of foreign pens. The only way that is possible is by comparing a culture that one is well established with to a culture that he is not that aware of. Most foreign travelers wrote about how exceptional this place is. Lipsets words say; "e ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Dark Tourism - understanding visitor motivations Thesis Proposal

Dark Tourism - understanding visitor motivations - Thesis Proposal Example (Beech 2000, p. 32). Such places symbolize the harsh realities of human history. Darkness, cruelty, crime and blood is reflected in the very nature of such sites. However, despite all these elements, such sites also make very good visiting places for tourists and are of great significance not only to the ministry of tourism, but also to the whole society in general and the government in particular. Dark tourism sites are very important for the economic strength of a country given the large number of tourists they attract. The places exhibiting dark tourism are not limited only to actual places where some accident took place in the past but there is also a range of places that are considered to be in the domain of dark tourism sites that are in some way related to horrific events. These may be museums or other places of cultural and historic significance displaying elements memorizing bad moments in the past. There may be times when a cinema projecting movies based on accidents of the past like Titanic might also be quite related to the subject matter. Given the widespread popularity of dark tourism among the people all over the world, dark tourism sites have huge potential of adding a lot to a country’s GDP provided that government strategically plans to increase the opportunities for tourists interested in dark tourism. This requires careful analysis of all the factors that influence and are influenced by the dark tourism that include but are not limited to age of people, imminence and severity of the incident and its cultural and national significance Before getting into an in-depth analysis of the purpose and the study design to be adopted for this research, it is customary to define the dark tourism. Dark tourism was initially referred to by John Lennon and Malcolm Foley as â€Å"†¦the phenomenon which encompasses the presentation and consumption (by visitors) of real and commodified

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International refugee law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

International refugee law - Essay Example In this regard the paper is divided into two sections with the first section dealing with the internationally recognized rights of refugees and the second section providing for the context of Somali refugees in Kenya and their right to stay out of refugee camps. Countries have been allowing protection for people and groups escaping persecution for centuries, however the current approach to protecting the rights of these individuals is based on a law that has its origins in the aftermath of the Second World War. The greatest challenge facing individuals arriving in a foreign country is to convince authorities that they are entitled to recognition as refugees. The questions that are raised by the authorities is the level of risk necessary by the standard of well-founded fear, the harm encompassed by being persecuted and the duty of the refugees to seek an internal remedy before seeking refugee protection in another country. Also important are the grounds for the protection of refugees as well as the connection required between these grounds and the risk of being persecuted. For reasons of both pragmatism and principle less developed countries, which host the greater majority of refugees, rarely contest the eligibility of refugee status for in dividuals arriving at its borders. The conceptual generosity of these states, however does not match with the efforts of these countries to treat the refugees in line with the provisions of the refugee convention. In essence, refugees in less developed countries are often socially marginalized, detained, left physically at risk and even denied the capability of meeting their most basic needs.1 Individuals who are forced to run away from their country due to the fear of persecution, whether as part of a group or on an individual basis due to religious, military, political or any other reason are regarded as refugees. The meaning of a refugee has varied according to place and time,